The first few times I did the yayo it was fun. Then every weekend for a year I'd pick up an ounce and keep a quarter for myself and stay locked in my house going nuts. I'd have all of these great ideas and get nothing accomplished. One day my guy got out of the business and I stopped. I never did it when I had to work. Then one day I was working with this younger Mexican kid and I asked if he could get heroin. I only wanted to do it once to see what the hype was about but not go chasing dragons. I snorted two little lines and smoked a little. Whoa! When I finally got up from my chair to do the last of it, there was enough to put on my tongue. But I had no urge to get anymore of it because I was afraid of addiction and dependency. With having a family and the risk of losing my career because of being arrested for possession or a dirty piss test, I would never do that shit again. However, the day I retire, I'll try some blow depending if I have any cardiac issues.