Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Sure heroin is looking more badly than cocaine, and so does Meth.
But pound for pound, I think a dealer of heroin with make more money than a cocaine dealer, pound for pound.

Junk is MUCH more profitable than Coke. But the toll on mankind is much more devastating as well. Horrible business

I disagree with you and Blackmobs, I think cocaine is the more profitable, especially per user. Now if there are a hundred heroin users for every cocaine user that changes things. Cocaine users use it over and over in a session, and can go for 2 days straight snorting it. Then there is the crack form. Although it is associated with poorer users, they binge on it worse and longer, often for days. I think the question is which is consumed by more people, heroin or cocaine. There were a few famous user who are credited with saying "Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you have too much money." It may have been Richard Pryor or another comic.