Originally Posted by The_Premier
Originally Posted by alicecooper
Originally Posted by The_Premier
The can’t do it without evidence of a specific threat or it can fall into harassment. The rules go both ways or they can be misused. Yes it’s a sad and fucked up story but the police aren’t the ones at fault here. That poor bastard was a dead man the moment his car hit the boy

I'm in no way saying it the fault of LE. The mob is responsible for the mob.

But, theycan do anything they want. Whether it stands up in court is a different issue.

I can't imagine Favara turning down surveillance but we'll never know.

Sure and apologies. I misinterpreted your post. A guess would be it wasn’t offered, but that’s more hunch than anything concrete. Who knows how the powers that be rank things sometimes. And maybe Favara just didn’t realise the danger he was really in.

Me- I’d like to think I’d have been gone that night and in Mexico 2 days later, but it doesn’t work like that. Most people don’t get the evil others can do so easily, and I doubt he’d really processed it until the moment they came for him

. It was just such a bad luck situation. The guy did nothing wrong. The kid just happened to far from behind a dumpster at the exact moment he was passing by. Sadly the kids parents were lunatics and Favara was doomed. When I read that article from Scott Favara my heat goes out to that Family