Originally Posted by JCrusher
Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
Originally Posted by JCrusher
Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
Redbird,Ouimette and Gotti Sr also all did time together at Lewisburg Federal Prison...

. Correct. I think I posted a picture not too long ago if Gotti meeting some of the RI guys including Redbird. I always imagine how fearful Favara must have felt hen that was happening.

9 on 1 against a 50 something year old civilian ..took a lot of balls ha
Not the first time. There’s a wiretap of Gotti talking about when he beat the shit outta of a guy he later found out was a cop. He said “ I stuck the gun in his mouth but he couldn’t talk, he was crying like a fucking baby”. His usual way of handling civilians .....

. Yeah he was a piece of shit you could tell that by listening to the jail tapes from the 90’s

He was fine on those tapes for guy doing life, and the tapes were supposed to not be released. The government decided what excerpts to release to the public (Unlawfully) in order to make him sound bad. The tape recordings were supposed to be to make sure he was not giving orders to outside mafia members, instead the real pieces of shit like the BOP and the FBI listened in and edited it, then released it to the media. What scum bags