IF it happened the victim was probably to scared to report it. He was an elementary school kid, how hard could it be for an authority figure like a priest to intimidate him into silence? Gigante was a powerful man to say the least. He had the authority of the priesthood, was an elected official in the city government, and had blood relatives in the mob. That's some real power. That's kind of what I was getting at when I said the victim didn't come forward when Chin was alive. I meant he must have been afraid, I apologize if I seemed like I was blaming him. (Of course I know, innocent until proven guilty)

Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
There's nothing worse then a child molester...

That said, how can anybody act when it hasn't been reported for almost half a century ??

And nowhere did I read that he went to the police to fill out a report..He's only looking for money, not justice...That's always a big red flag

Hope its not true