Originally Posted by JCrusher
Originally Posted by The_Premier
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by The_Premier
You gotta source for that. Not Gotti bs but a police report or something

None have been released, but witnesses said so.

So nothing. It’s not hard. If it was said it’d be there

. . Exactly. All these “witness accounts” come from Victoria Gotti who is notorious for being a bullshit artist. Even Junior Gotti has basically disputed her claims and has said that the whole Favara family were good people and it was simply an unfortunate accident

JCrusher, you repeat the same thing over and over and over.... "Victoria Gotti is a notorious liar" According to who? Her brother john NEVER said the opposite about what happened. You keep bringing this up, it's several years now, it is your go-story anytime Gotti comes up.