The way I understand it, Father Gigante was one of 177 such priests who were named on documents alleging pedophilia and other degenerate acts toward children, etc. These allegations dated back decades to the 60s, 70s era. Of course because the name Gigante gets headlines he was prominently put on the front-pages of the newspapers. If you notice none of the other 176 priests were named but him.

But regardless of all that, if he is guilty of this, then they should cut his balls off and stick em up his ass! I don't give a damn who he is!

Everyone is deserving of his day in court. And the tremendous time elapsed, and the particulars of the allegations have yet to prove if in fact there is any thread of truth to it.

It could very well be that his accuser, and that of many others (as has been sometimes proven in the past), lie and try to ride the gravytrain to wealth by going after an institution as wealthy as the RC Church. That could be.

It could also be that these allegations have validity to them. So we gotta see what the outcome is.

But as I stated earlier up top. If in fact Gigante is guilty, then I have absolutely no pity on him and he should rot. As should any person who preys on children and other defenseless individuals.

All too often people in high places get indemnified from penalties because of their lofty standing in the community; politicians, cops, FBI agents, teachers, corporate bigwigs, prosecutors, priests, rabbis, other clergy, etc.

I'm a firm believer that anyone who preys on kids should be totally condemned across the board.