Originally Posted by ItalianIrishMix
I think the Gigante shooting was all an act.

I have heard the wound as being superficial yet, Costello made it a point to wear a ridiculously large bandage that looks like he took a 12 gauge in the middle of war.

He also made it a point to have blood drips shown on his suit. They looked like someone artistically put them there.

Where was the scar on his head? Has anyone ever seen a photo showing any signs of damage?

Gigante was smart and knew he probably was in a very bad situation....Probably could be killed for not following orders and in retaliation had he killed Costello.

I think possibly, him and Costello came to an agreement that would satisfy everyone. A staged murder attempt.

I disagree, sorry. My reason is the attention it put on them, Gigante, Costello, and Genovese. It made headlines and created more scrutiny from law enforcement and the media. It must have done the same for others in their circle of associates. I think it would have been easier to just have Costello step aside, but he would have to be willing to do so. They would have also needed the ambulance workers, the emergency room staff, and the doctors who treated him to go along.