Originally Posted by Lana
  • planned all the dirty work - killing of Carlo Rizzi and Moe Greene, the baptism murders - for Michael to carry out after Vito's death thus leaving a murderous legacy for “I never wanted this for you” son Michael
Originally Posted by mustachepete
I don't think that's correct. I think Vito's death was untimely with respect to the plan. He just had to be retired, so he didn't make the decision
Originally Posted by Evita
Don't know Pete what happens with Carlo?

My take, for what it is worth!

  • Thanks! Pop
I doubt the nice guy! Vito would make his daughter Connie a widow even though Connie's husband Carlo “has to answer for Santino” thus leaving the dirty work for his son Michael to carry out

Vito wouldn't want his daughter to think that Vito is a “lousy cold-hearted bastard”
He'd rather let Connie think her brother Michael is but not her father and that Michael “waited until Papa died” because Papa never would have killed Carlo nor allowed Michael to do so if Papa was alive in spite of Connie's
You blamed him for Sonny You always did Everybody did

Here's the thing
  • the Corleones couldn't afford to wait until Vito's natural death like Michael could until Mama's, to kill Fredo
  • otherwise Barzini's people would have chiselled all the Corleones' territory and there won't be one place in New York for any Corleone or Corleone people to hang their hats!
  • Corleone people will come under Barzini's thumb or dead
  • the Corleones couldn't kill Moe Greene, the baptism murders and leave Carlo alive?
  • then wait until Vito's natural death whenever to kill Carlo? even though that would have suited! Vito nicely indeed but seemingly not workable

So in all fairness! Vito's death was timed perfectly!! and exactly as Vito [Puzo and Coppola] planned