Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by DillyDolly
Guys I don't think the prison stories carry much weight in regards to the don't touch a made man rule, in prison buttons hardly matter. Everyone's doing time if you try to pull rank in there you might find yourself smashed out just for that. Nobody gives a fuck about who you were on the streets, you're in prison now it's a completely different world.

True (to a degree). An Italian goodfellas IS recognized in the can. And with the exception, and sometimes inclusion, of black gangbangers and Spanish gangs they are generally respected so long as they also show respect. Especially if the wiseguy is an older guy. Younger criminals usually look up in awe at these guys.

But as a general rule, when you go to the can, whether you were an associate, soldier, capo, or boss, TECHNICALLY everybody is 'equal.' whatever level you were on the outside doesn't mean anything on the inside. Yet, don't kid yourself, bosses received more respect because nobody wants to hit the streets again and have a boss have a hardon for you from the way you acted in the joint.

So the answer is yes, AND no.

But remember too, that there are lots of idiots and ignorant guys in jail who have no clue what's really what in life, or are doing life and don't really give two fucks also. So there's always that factor.

I was told when you're in the can, you give respect to get respect. reciprocal respect is important. say please, say thank you. It goes a long way!

It`s still because the mob doesn`t have numbers in prisons though. Mob guys respect ranks and still treat bosses like they do on the streets, it`s the other inmates who are not associated with LCN that don`t care about bosses` power. Look at Italy, mob bosses are royalty because the number of people connected to the mafia is huge, they control everything.

Last edited by SimonChen; 07/30/21 09:51 AM.