Originally Posted by Signor Vitelli
This thread is actually a combination of two things.

First off, a little info: As a great many of you know, I love to cook. I am not a chef by any means, just a dedicated home cook who has been cooking since my Mom first showed me how to cook spaghetti when I was nine (nearly 57 years ago). Cooking has been a way for me to relax, and I love carefully shopping for good ingredients and making food prepared with care, love, and hopefully pleasing to Signora V. and any friends we have over (curtailed somewhat due to the pandemic).

Here is a great quote from the book Serve the People - A Stir-Fried Journey Through China by Jen Lin-Liu; for many years this has been my mantra:

To cook for someone, one on one, is to let that person into your life in an intimate way.

When I turned 40 - a long time ago - the two most memorable birthday gifts that stand out are (a) a hand-held Black & Decker jigsaw and (b) the book The Roman Cooking of Apicius (John Edwards translation). That pretty much sums me up.

And the point of all this? Yes, there is a point, and a revelation I will get to later in this post.

But first, a brief digression: To be a home cook, even a dedicated one, is one thing. To be a Chef, to be so well-versed in cooking professionally, and to have the cojones to do this as your chosen field, day in and day out, with consistency - well, that is something that, in my book, is worthy of true respect. (You hear that, hoodlum? wink )

Anyway, as long as I am breathing and have my mental faculties, I hope I never stop learning. With time on my hands due to COVID, I recently discovered some absolutely wonderful folks on YouTube who have their own channels devoted to the art (and I do mean art) of cooking. I don't care of you can't boil water, you will find these fascinating even if you can't follow their step-by-step tutorials. There are so many different cuisines out there for the home-sampling, but here is a (partial) selection of some of my favorites:

Chef Wang Gang. Chef Wang is a master of Sichuan cooking (he's from Sichuan province), and some of his videos are not the sort of things I would ever make (like bamboo rat or salamander), but others most definitely are. The videos are incredibly instructive and informative and he cuts (sometimes literally) to the heart of each recipe. No BS here, just concise instruction, but turn on your subtitles! If you like authentic Chinese cooking with a particular focus on Sichuan cuisine, study Chef Wang. He has quite a following, and rightfully so. You will also love his family, particularly his uncle.

Vincenzo's Plate. Vincenzo Prosperi is a transplanted Italian, living with his family in Sydney, Australia. He also has his own YouTube channel. Check this guy out.

Buon A-Pettiti. Gina Pettiti is 86 years old, lives in New Jersey, and has had a YouTube channel for several years. I swear, if I had an Italian nonna, it would be her, hands down. You cannot help but fall in love with this real, honest, down-to-earth lady and her recipes are the real deal.

Historical Italian Cooking. I've always been interested in ancient and medieval cooking, and this website (and YouTube channel) is great. Forget tomatoes, forget garlic, many of these recipes come straight from Apicius and are worth trying - some of them. (I draw the line at pig's uterus and stuff like that.)

Tasting History with Max Miller. Another great channel. Max Miller is very personable and there is a lot of educational info here as well as cooking. And while we're on the subject...

Townsends. Interested in 18th century cooking from the days of Colonial America? If you are (like me), then you shouldn't overlook this one.

Italia Squisita. A great channel, but remember to turn on the subtitles. True, authentic Italian cooking taught by chefs who absolutely know what they are talking about. One of my favorites.

Uncle Roger. Malaysian comedian Nigel Ng has created a hysterically funny (at times) character and he's gone quite viral. There's a lot pf cooking (he "reviews" other YouTubers cooking shows, primarily egg fried rice), but also a lot of comedy. All I can say is: Check out this guy's weejios. Hayaaaah!

Actually, these are all among my favorites. This old dog has learned a helluva lot. Now, of course, there are lots more excellent videos and sites out there. I'm just too lazy (and tired) to list them. But besides - it's now time for you to share your faves. What are the sites you would recommend? I for one, am very curious.

Food (and music) can bridge cutural, religious and political gaps and this is as it should be. Too much division everywhere lately, so let's find some common ground.

And the "revelation" I mentioned earlier? Well folks, here it is:

I was adopted when I was 5 months old. I've always known about this. I was raised Jewish in Brooklyn, New York. I always felt there was something more to me than this, but since adoption records were sealed in NY, nothing - short of a court order - could get me any additional info. Then, several years ago, my biological mother (now deceased) tracked me down and I found out a little more - on her side I was indeed Jewish - part Polish and Eastern European. She wouldn't tell me anything about who my biological father was and took the info to the grave with her. A few months ago Signora V. and I took DNA tests and I discovered that I am half Italian (with 1% Greek and 1% Albanian). Amazing - and it also explains a few things about me which I won't bore you with right now.

Anyway, enough digressions and revelations. What are your favorite online cooking channels? It would be great to share this.

Perhaps this explains why I always liked the cooking/eating scenes like in GF1 and GF2, Goodfellas, etc., and the Sopranos character I most identified with was Artie Bucco. grin

Nearly 2:30AM here as I write this. Time for dinner or sleep - whichever comes first.

Signor V.
SIGNOR V........ Thank u 4 the compliment & U R the best!!!!...Yes , it is toil & trouble day in & day out..but 2 give an audience so much pleasure through their pallet ...well...lets just say it nice 2 give back 2 the community ..again.., thank u my friend.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...