Originally Posted by Lana
It seems to me Michael was no different to Vito in conducting their business

Both Vito and Michael were the same evil, ruthless, murderous Dons
I don't feel I have to wipe everyone out -- just my enemies -- that's all

The ever astute Roth would have always remained a lethal enemy, plotting to kill Michael and that Tom couldn't / didn't see Roth as such - Kill or be killed – reinforces Tom is a good lawyer not a Sicilian no wartime Consiglieri

Michael after establishing himself as the Top Mafia Don and then masquerading as 'legitimate' businessman, Michael was only reactive
ie: “They hit us So we hit them back”

Vito among others -
  • killed Don Fanucci and took over his business [Granted Vito looked after the people as well unlike Fanucci] Moe Greene was made an offer no such offer to Fanucci
  • threat of lethal force - band leader's signature or brains even in such simple business as his Godson Fontane's contract release
  • killing of defenceless Khortum horse
  • went back years later and killed, a senile, one leg in the grave, Don Ciccio who was living out his last days thousands of miles away absolutely no threat to the Corleones - vengeance for killing his family because the enemies have to be wiped out
  • planned all the dirty work - killing of Carlo Rizzi and Moe Greene, the baptism murders - for Michael to carry out after Vito's death thus leaving a murderous legacy for “I never wanted this for you” son Michael

I think it was Turnbull who posted Michael wanted to be the biggest legitimate gambling operator in the Western Hemisphere or similar
So following on, no longer “like the Roman Empire”

I agree Tom can only leave Michael's side....in a box!

If ever a man deserved what happened to him, it was Don Ciccio.

Agree with your other points though.

Also, the deleted scenes show him, on the same trip, searching out - and killing with an oar, no less - one of the men who went around the village and warned the residents not to hide the young Vito.