Originally Posted by DillyDolly
I somewhat disagree that hijacking was strictly for the lower rungs of organized crime or the less sophisticated mobsters, as many a mob boss cut their teeth as hijackers, burglars, and robbers. No matter how you view it, hijacking was a much needed racket for the mob that brought in a lot of money, many envelopes flowed into mob coffers from these so-called unsophisticated street rackets.

Absolutely if you had a guy that would or could put together to streamline ( and there were ) to get more trucks & more drivers on board of course they would.

But as a rule just about anyone in that life could put together a hijack and pull it off … if not the guys above or around you best not find out …. Like many of said thats how many cut there teeth .

Last edited by Serpiente; 07/24/21 09:26 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."