Originally Posted by Serpiente
The guys that didn’t have a good head on there shoulders would do lots of hijacking and same guys were used as mussel or hitters .

The truck would be taken to a warehouse most likely a friend of the family unless the soldier had his own but nobody wanted to be tied to it and if you were a soldier and owned a warehouse the police would probably know…. So as a rule it was a friend of the family and if police found it the owner would say i had it rented out to so-so .

Sure there were guys that only had access to a warehouse for a very short time and had to get the contents out of the truck to another location and the truck dumped
quickly close by …. Not all solders had hook ups to a empty warehouse…. Sure some did it in ally’s into another truck and drove away.

For most part it was done buy crews that didn’t have big rackets they were thieves and mussel for most part …. Guys with good business heads were racket

How about the fences? Where did they factor in here?