Originally Posted by faffy444
This was another great installment of MOON OVER MIAMI . As always , it is very detailed oriented. I hope there will be more installments on this important aspect of LCN migration to Florida. Please keep it up.

Lol. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.

Faffy, I never meant to make 3 segments for this storyline. But as I researched for the first story, so many names of different mob guys from all over kept popping up in front of me, that parts 2 and 3 just seemed like a natural fit and accompaniment.

A Part IV ?..... that's pushing it. Lol I'm gonna say that the MMOM series is finished. But who knows? If, during my future research I come across another bevy of names and info that I think a Part 4 is warranted, I might just write it.

I am actually putting the finishing touches on a Queens racket story as I write this to you. It should be up in the next few days