Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by CNote
The depth of the Mafia's involvement in the vice industry was ubiquitous before Thomas Dewey sent Lucky Luciano up the river in 1936. DiBernardo's mentor was Mickey Zaffarano, a Bonnano Soldier who's office was on the 2nd floor of the Pussycat Theatre at 1600 Broadway in Times Square. Then you had Matty "The Horse" Ianello representing the Genovese interests in peep shows and topless dancers. Paul DiBella and Robert Dibernardo for the Gambino's and Joe Brochinni rounding out the for the Lucchese’s. Ed "The Skull" Murphy and Mike Umbers were the associates doing the dirty work of human trafficking and pedophilia production and eliminating unwanted "loose ends".

Oh please, pedophilia, human trafficking, how about BS? The 2 biggest money makers for the mafia were gambling and unions, with loans in the mix. The sex business involvement was minimal and almost non-existent, until porn became an issue. Then the FBI and others started saying they were "Deeply involved" The internet with sites like Bitterqueen fueled the lie. Ianiello was barley involved and his part was in the real estate end of it. He had one club under his protection (The Horseshoe) and how deeply he was involved is sketchy if you look past the surface. Pedophilia involvement was not there, is not there, and is just put out by people angry about the Godfather movie or some other stupid thing.

I never heard of Bitterqueen before I saw the links posted above. Here's a brief summary of Matty's exploits in the sex trade.
"In 1960, Ianniello became partners with Edward L. DeCurtis, a longtime associate, in running private after-hours drinking clubs for gay men.[2] Ianniello eventually owned a string of clubs and nightclubs for gay men, including the Gilded Grape and the Hay Market.[1]"
"During the 1960s and 1970s, Ianniello controlled the lucrative sex industry centered near Times Square. He was convicted of bid rigging in construction, skimming union dues and extorting protection money from bar owners, pornography peddlers, and topless dancers as Times Square became filled with peep shows.[1]"
"In the early 1970s, Ianniello was promoted to caporegime.[6] Ianniello then controlled over 80 restaurants and sex-oriented clubs in New York, including most of those located in the Times Square area of Manhattan."