Originally Posted by majicrat
Okay, thanks Furio. I find it hard to believe they're weaker than the Bonanno's and the Luchese's though. Maybe ten years ago, but now in my opinion those two are behind the Columbo's. Bonanno's Boss turned informant wrecking the families leadership and rackets. The Luchese's suffered huge arrests in gambling and drugs. The Columbo's have quietly rebuilt and seem to me under the radar and under valued have made them stronger. keep in mind I'm not saying bigger, just saying possibly stronger and more stable. The family ties and the fact I don't think ANY family wants to go against them violence wise.

Weak in the sense that they are confinate to NY while the Lucchese have a huge NJ crew and the Bonnano recovered well after Massino flipping and had almost 130 made men. For sure they are making money but havent the white collar racket that the other families have. For if a family would against them I think that a mob war today would be a disaster in terms of arrests and flipping so if the other family would want to damage the Colombos can symple stop making common bussinesses with them.