Bravo forum! .... I think all of you gave good picks. And depending upon the particular 'era' we are focusing on each of your answers have good merit.

When he took control in 57' I think Joe Biondo would have to be in the mix, but he was actually elevated into the triangle hierarchy so he's not a fair pick.
But once grounded with his administration, in his early years of the early 1960s through that decade, I believe Peter (Petey Pumps) Ferrara, and Ettore (Terry) Zappi were among his two closest capos. The two 'Pauls" Castellano and Gambino, and his cousin Joe Gambino are a given because they were Carlo's blood family so I kinda discounted them from the running.
In the 1970s era, I agree with Zavattoni. My two picks would be have to again be Terry Zappi, and James (Jimmy Brown) Failla.
So there ya go folks. NYM's picks