Originally Posted by Raven
By no means am I asking you to share your name or your families. What I meant is for instance if you have a photo for example of Joe Beck, why not share it. Have someone help you scan it and post it. If you or family are in the photo crop them out. People would love to see these pics if you have them. It intrigues me because the time of the mafia I’m really interested in is the 1940s through the 60s which is what you mainly post about. Lastly do you have a subscription to newspapers.com? Wealth of articles about the mafia can be found. I think it would add to your research.
Totally agree..."Family Business" is strictly "Family Business" and needs to be kept that way! As far as posting photos that needs to be strictly at the discretion of whom so ever has those pictures - period! However could we please stop this infighting that serves no purpose other than to disrupt the merits of NYM's welcomed posts. Maybe this forum needs a "I Gota Beef" section as as to not get off topic. Just my 2Cs.

"Never walk in a room that you don't know how to get out of"- Henry Zottola