Raven, I do.

And let me state for the record that I do have a few personal photos of guys. And I truly didn't (and still don't know how to post that type of stuff). I use others for that. But they are personal. And my background is extremely extensive with friendships and the like. But I decided from the jump that I wanted to keep who I am private. To myself and for my blood family's privacy and respect. And if I was even considering speaking of my family (which I wasn't), any notions of 'sharing' that went out the window as soon as I started getting attacked and criticized. I don't feel the need to prove myself or where I come from to anyone. Ever.

Read my stuff and enjoy. or don't. that's entirely your decision to make.

I will say that on both boards you guys have referenced my elder relatives, father, uncles, cousins, and dear friends, on numerous occasions, both in articles and photos too. But thats not for me to say "That's my dad" or "Thats my cousin"...... its private and at the end of the day all this forum and research baloney is just that. Baloney. It's meaningless in the larger scheme of my life and yours and I don't feel it's important. So why "out" them?

For what reason? To satisfy the morbid curiosity of people who don't give a fuck for me and mine? It would be a stupid move at best. And I assure you that I am not stupid, in the least.

PS: I will leave you with this thought ok. In my writings I do reference my family and dear friends often. And sometimes what I write cannot be 'vetted' by these so-called mob researchers because It's information that is not in any 302s, fed reports, or internet stories. (I lived it). Or I was schooled on this stuff by older family and friends that were directly 'in' the life.

So of course I open myself up to ridicule when some read what I write and because they don't know any better, and have no direct true knowledge, they resort to insulting me.

But I tell you here and now. If you "truly" read some of my stuff (bios, etc) on certain guys you'll gain a wealth of knowledge that cannot be found elsewhere. How do I prove that to you? The short answer is I don't!

Either go with it, or ignore it. But if you accept what I write you will be the better for it as far as added mob knowledge goes.

Happy 4th of July to you and everyone on the board.

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/04/21 12:24 PM.