Hoodlum, I really don't wanna start all this BS up again, but I felt compelled to answer you.

'Domination' you say? LOL.... what the heck am I trying to dominate? I have my own website (MY website), and I post up articles for the enjoyment of the forum when I can. Period!

And as far as you having to work a slavish "back breaking, hand burning, bust your nut physical work" as you stated to bring home a dollar, is THAT my problem, or my fault that that's your lot in life?.... I think not.

If that is what you need to do for yourself in order to earn a living, then I feel very sorry for you (I really do). But thats still no reason to hate others, and hate the world, because you're stuck in a blue-collar, dead end job.

But I will say this much. This last post of yours explains a lot about you. And why you're constantly lashing out at others that you perceive to be in a 'better place' than you are in life.

You really don't know anything me, what I've had to do in my lifetime, or my station in life. So why be a hater for really no good reason at all?

Let me give you a little piece of great advice ok. If you don't like where you are in life. Whether that be a dead end grunt job. A failed marriage or personal relationship. A bad family situation. Your financial situation. Or any other tough spot that you're in.... Then change it! Take the measures and steps and shake your ass and just change it. Don't be afraid of the unknown out there. Just go for it ok? And I'm sure you'll look back several years from now and better happy you did so.

Life is way to short to be unhappy. And projecting that unhappiness by cursing and insulting others, or projecting anger at others doesn't help you, or the people you're lashing out at because of your own frustrations.

And although we're not friends (far from it in fact). I am attempting to give you sage advice here from an older guy. Do yourself a favor and listen and try to implement what I'm saying to you. I am not saying any of this with any sarcasm, or to be 'cute' as they say. I'm trying to be sincere with you here.

...The Other Guy!

Best of luck to you in the future.

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/03/21 05:28 AM.