During Michael's confinement, Filomena ("old crone") would tell him something about Vito that would provide an insight into Vito and himself.

Question marks over Luca's story.

"THE SHEER ENORMITY OF THE EXPLOSION -- nothing is left. However they want to do it; make it TWICE AS BIG. OVERKILL."

"People know it's going to happen. I have to misdirect them from this....I guess the explosion will fix this." "ENORMOUS!"

Michael-Kay reunion as in the book. Pitfall: "We think it's funny that he's always asking girls to marry him."

"Somehow I like coming back to the US via Kay."

Passage where Michael tells Kay that Vito refuses to accept the rules of society: in red, Coppola writes "WHAT THIS BOOK IS ABOUT" and "THE ENTIRE CREDO OF THE BOOK."

From rough outline of the rest of the movie:

Vito's funeral: "maybe people seek out Barzini to ask favors the way they did to the Don, earlier in the movie."

Wha'?: "It is Clemenza who says Barzini is willing to talk. (meaning he's the traitor.)"

Baptism: "[A]ll out. Maybe a monsignor does it."

"It turns out Clemenza innocent, Tessio the traitor."

"Fabrizzio's tattoo brought to him."


End: Clemenza calls him "Don Miguel."

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."