Originally Posted by DillyDolly
The fact that he's a free man with his own podcast is actually VERY believable! Just like mostly all the other rats out there these days. And Louiebynochi, like others have said if that video really exists, you would post the link, even if we have to pay to actually watch it. Quit making excuses.

Some real broke losers here hu? No self respecting woman is sleeping with any of you "men" that dont have 5 or 10 bucks of disposable income..not an excuse im not giving anyone my user name and password that would give someone access to my CC info...pass but if any of you arent living at home w Mommy you could absolutely log in and see the video recording by the FUCKING FBI......

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn