Lol, I see you guys are all trying to pile up on me now huh? Thats ok.

I have come to a decision that from this point forward I am not even going to engage any of you who come at me in a negative and nasty way. Frankly, I just don't have the inclination to engage in these babyish type fights and bantering back and forth. This is getting way out of hand now.

If a forum member wishes to interact with me in a nice way, thats great. We can have an intelligent conversation about OC or anything else for that matter.

But otherwise I am just going to ignore the haters, those who curse me or call me nasty names, or those who wish to 'fight' with me or cast me in a negative light. It's silly and stupid already. Why do you behave like that? It benefits no one.

I will continue to post stories on my website for the reading pleasure of those who enjoy my stuff. For those of you who do not like reading NYM stories, please just move on to the next post or thread ok. Why torture yourself's? Why bother or verbally attack me? It is childish behavior unbecoming of grown ups and gentlemen to say the least.

And shame on those of you who attempt to continue this type of behavior toward me (or others on the forum for that matter).

Yours truly, The Other Guy.

Last edited by NYMafia; 06/26/21 06:16 PM.