Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Gotti jr. was not respected by anybody...Mikey scars even says Jor Watts treated him like a punk

Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Gotti jr. was not respected by anybody...Mikey scars even says Jor Watts treated him like a punk

I think many knew he was where he was due to his father, but he had to have respect from some people. Micky Scars was hanging on him like a fan of Gotti till Scars became a rat. Now he says Gotti was a punk. Scars was the one who was Gotti;s friend and Judas, in fact he was closer to Gotti than Alite was. There had to be respect by many on a certain level, and mixed feeling by others, I just do not see Joe Watts treating him like a punk. If Michael DiLeonardo witnessed this and was Gotti's friend as it happened, I think that makes him a punk too.