You questioned my relationship with Lisa, which in reality was nothing more than a failed attempt on your part to take a cheap shot at me which wasn't nice. You fell flat on that one when both Lisa and I immediately shot you down. Silly, babyish behavior on your part.
And ya know Raven, for a fella who claims to despise me and supposedly hates my writings, you sure keep awfully close tabs on me. You seem to have read many of my pieces. So despite whatever you may say to the contrary, you seem to be drawn to me and my website like a moth to a flame. That fact (indisputable by your own admission by the way), speaks volumes about your true feelings and negative intentions toward me. Me thinks you may have ulterior motives that are not so altruistic.

To date ButtonGuys of TNYM has posted:
400 biographies
58 in-depth borgata or regime stories from across the US
4 gangland war stories
13 racket exposes
1000s of mob photographs (many of them rare)
info on hundreds of rats, and approximately 100 (at least) or more other stories, personal opinion pieces, and interesting mob related data. Most of which is very singular in nature and unique to say the least. IMO I have brought a breath of fresh air to the well-worn subject of OC. And my record speaks for itself. I certainly don't feel the need to defend myself against the likes of you.

As I stated earlier, the haters such as yourself will always hate. For whatever reason; envy, jealousy, stupidity, ignorance, or personal problems that I cannot help you with. Instead of just reading and enjoying the work, you feel an incessant need to try and tear me and my work down to make yourself feel better. Why that is? Who knows. That question is better answered by a professional shrink than a layman such as myself.

But the vast majority of people enjoy my work and will continue to enjoy and follow my stuff. You are in no way, shape, or form, obligated to read what I write. And I'm completely cool with that.

Whats that old adage, "Ya just can't please all of the people all of the time".......... it's soooo true.

On another note, nobody is infallible, NOBODY! Not even you. And on rare occasion I have made an error or two. I readily admit that. But instead of enjoying and commenting positively about the plethora of enjoyable (and very informative) work I've put up, what do you do instead? You try your damndest to dig out any little misnomer or miscue from all those nice article in a failed attempt to try and discredit me or insult me......Your actions make any intelligent and logical person wonder why that is, and what the "true" motive behind your actions really is.

After hundreds and hundreds of pieces (nearing 1000), and literally millions upon millions of words written, and the "literally" hundreds and hundreds of hours of painstaking work that I put into creating these works, I reserve that right to make a few errors. It goes with the territory as they say. But I stand by my work (one million percent) as being extremely authentic and honest. If you insist on searching for that preverbal 'needle in the haystack,' to try to knock me you can always find one. But in relation to the full body and depth of my work its the equivalent of a pimple on an elephants ass.
I also don't need to boast or promote myself in any way, shape, or form. Contrary to your statement that I act all "high and mighty" as I think you put it, I am a very humble person but I am proud of my body of work and why shouldn't I be? I've devoted many, many hours and hard work to create The New York Mafia. It's become a solid mob site IMO. And in that regard I am proud.

My work speaks for itself, but if you knew all the kudos and positive feedback I regularly receive from knowledgeable readers and important sources who admire my work you'd probably have a stroke. Knowledgable mob aficionados, respected OC researchers, the blood family members of many of my subjects, as well as actual mob guys themselves. (you want a better recommendation than that? Lol, I don't think so).
So how about we agree to disagree. You just go your way, and I'll go my way. This way we don't have to clash and there's no BS or drama between us. Whatya say?

Forget about my website and me. Just as I've already discarded and discounted you and your remarks as gibberish from a guy who means absolutely zero to me. It's much better that way for both of us, no?

Yours truly, The Other Guy!

Last edited by NYMafia; 06/25/21 09:19 PM.