The issue i have is some of the erroronous stuff you have up. For instance I think it was Lisa wrote that Salvatore Badalamenti had a mobbed up brother (he didnt even have a brother) and committed suicide in the 1960's. He died in 1994 and not from suicide. One website some has that BS and you guys copy it without researching it, when with some research you would have realized the facts in about 5 minutes. You can easily check obits, census records etc. You claim to write these "exposes" but it is the exact same stuff you can find on wikipedia or other sources. You change the wording and call it an expose, and act like your this great mafia insider, when clearly your not and don't even fact check the stuff you copy. You act pretty high and mighty and it's annoying. On blackhand you claimed to have to some personal photos of mafia members you took yourself growing up but didnt know how to post them online. You havent posted a damn single one of these. You use the same photos from newspapers etc. that everyone else has, but claim you have photos nobody has even seen, Where are they? You've even used watermarked pictures you took off of other blogs and placed them on your blog.