Originally Posted by Strax
This place had really high quality posters back in 2011,2012. Back then most of them left this place and went to 'real deal', now all of them are on that other forum(some of us are on both places).

Best poster we have here is Hollander,other high quality posters are m2w(didnt post in a long time),Dwalin2011,antimafia,TheKillingJoke. There are some more but i can't remember nicks right now, but that's about it.

Good luck in what you are trying to accomplish.

Thanks Strax, but I'm finished trying to convince people to contribute. I thought I was doing a good thing by mustering the crowd but you see the negative response from some of them. They either don't want change and an increase in real OC content; charts, graphs, stories, deep research, news articles, etc., or they themselves feel threatened by the thought of having to help out. Why that is I don't know. Maybe they feel they don't have the wherewithal to partake so they attack those of us who do.

But thank you for your intelligent comments and insight. And I do agree with you that other places have more of what I'm speaking about. I'm not on here for years and years so I don't know the background or drama involved with those who once were members and left for "Real Deal" or whatever. I only know what I know and what I see now. And I was trying to help us.

But you see how well that went. Lol