Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
As far as I'm concerned, I'd love to contribute more than I'm contributing right now, but I'm just unable to spend a lot of time on the internet these days.

I'm doing my best to earn an honest living and keep myself on the straight and narrow and work is a bitch these days (lots of targets, lots of stress, too many whiny superiors and too little pay for the effort I'm putting into it...). That's why I'm sorta focused on the professional side of my life right now, looking for a way to switch jobs etc... Whatever free time I have left I spend on working out and getting involved in discussions about music.

Sometimes other priorities just get in the way...

I get it. and thats fine. Life can get in the way sometimes. We all have commitments. Of course there will be people like yourself who can't contribute for various reasons, and of course there are others who do have the time and that was my point, for them to post up more; research, create mob content for us all to enjoy, etc. And that would have been a good thing for the forum, not a bad thing.

But you read the response from several posters above didn't you? ... so that's that as they say. Lol.

Thanks for the gentlemanly response by the way. It's always nice to speak with level headed people.