Originally Posted by fergie
NYMafia, I’ve had a few back and forths with you in the past, having questioned your motives for suddenly becoming heavily involved in posting and, at times, displaying some level of fairly passive/aggressive behaviour…BUT I do genuinely think your research and content is top notch and I’ve said as much to you directly. However, you do tend to get your panties in a bunch very quickly….that’s perhaps why you’re naturally skilful at research and written work, rather than interactions with people and PR. Nothing wrong with that at all, but you need to reflect on things a bit and understand why situations sometimes occur, or at least become prolonged.

As Geoff alluded to, the BB website now includes a whole host of topics, including organised crime..it’s not just a “mob forum” as you seem to think. You can examine the traffic, posts and whatever else you like to prove a case for organised crime material but, at the end of the day, people want to read about various topics and most really enjoy the site as a leisurely pastime. Geoff obviously isn’t in this to make his fortune and, actually, just no doubt takes great satisfaction from having created a site thousands of people have loved for years and continue to.

Like you, people visit, read and post content - yours is great and people tell you so, but stop with this about creating other websites, panels etc etc. No one has expressed any interest in what you suggested, I guess, because they are not interested. You run a website and have a focus on different priorities than everyone on here. Your very quick to judge the site and all its members - its as if you've awarded yourself some authority because you post articles on a regular basis.

You’ve also just said you post on here as a “courtesy” to everyone, GBB “has nothing” (without you I assume) and in a “sorry shape”…well just leave then? Seriously, I read through your posts on this thread and can actually see the slide from extremely nice to then shooting in your pants and quickly becoming downright rude, disrespectful and offensive.. I see this happen a lot and I know you think your defending yourself, but your long winded defences (following overly nice and enthusiastic openings) are actually becoming a very tedious pattern to the eye - and a reason I mostly tend to avoid the organised crime threads you create these days. I’m really disappointed you’ve not avoided this tbh, I really am.

I think your at a crossroads, either continue posting great stuff for your own, and other’s enjoyment, or just leave and concentrate fully on your own projects..even create your own mob forum attached to your site (I’ll take the royalties for that idea 🤔)

Otherwise, you’ll gonna create more stress for yourself, honestly.
So WELL SAID....ThankU Fergie...& FUCK YOU N.Y.Mafia...u fuckin thief..STAY OFF OUR SITE..!

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...