Originally Posted by NYMafia

Thank you Dwalin. This is exactly the type of info I am speaking of. But you would be of great help if you'd convert the Italian into English and/or separate the names accordingly to town, position, borgata, etc. Compile all the info, categorize it, and then lets design a chart or a list.

I think readers would love that. I know I would enjoy seeing it. You just name the charts variously: Argrigento Cosa - circa 1985, Castellammare del Golfo Cosca 1990, Alcamo Cosca 1991, etc.

If you down with it, so am I.

By all means please start it. I think you'll love doing the project and even you will garner more knowledge as you research through it. If you had the tenacity to go to the Library for it to begin with, I know you'll pull it together well.

We gotta start somewhere right??

THANK YOU for stepping up as the first. I wanna see others voice the opinions and jump in also.

You are welcome, glad if I can help. Ok, I will try to translate it, however unfortunately I can't guarantee for the translation to be perfect, as neither Italian nor English are my mother languages, although I understand both (I am Russian, but live in Italy). It will take some time, as I will have to do it manually (unfortunately, the text on the images can't be edited directly in this case, as they are screenshots, not text files). I will try not to be too slow though.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."