Also; do any forum members have the desire to form a 'panel' of sorts with other members, for lack or a better word, to maybe combine your collective talents and knowledge to start delving into "organized crime" history.

Similar to what I have accomplished with my ButtonGuys of The New York Mafia website, it would be fantastic for this forum if several members could collaborate toward making and creating various in-depth interesting projects such as:

Mob stories about different arrests, rackets, and/or other situations
Family/borgata, or individual "crew" stories in various cities around the country
biographies of mob figures
rare photographs of mobsters of both notorious, and especially little known, mostly anonymous mob figures
......and for that matter anything else underworld related so as to elevate the forum and create real interesting reading

Because right now most of the threads that are started I look at are rudimentary in content and depth. Many amount to nothing more than mindless bantering back and forth with useless chatter. I cannot imagine anyone here is enthralled with the present content.

Am I right or wrong here? Please speak your minds and let's have a dialogue.

I stand corrected if anyone here can really, REALLY, say that the majority of threads posted contain pertinent content relating to in-depth exposes, deep research about CN, or investigations about Cosa Nostra.
There are so many interesting sub-categories to choose from:
the entire Untied States
Cosa Nostra
past, present, and future
thousands upon thousands of guys to choose from
wars, gangland murders, etc.

It's beyond me how nobody but nobody on here has any interest, or the wherewithal, to research any of it.....Why even come on a mob site if you have zero interest in it?

Other very useful (and interesting) assets could be if someone on the forum, anyone, would access and then post up various FOIA documents, or actual indictments of various cases brought against LCN over the years; mugshots, surveillance pics, police records, court papers, informant files, etc, etc, etc, ...... which aside from being ultra interesting on its own,
could then all be used at a later date to compile an interesting storyline as I have done over the past year to two. NOT a repost of another writers work from some other site, but new and singular info he/she composes.

Last edited by NYMafia; 06/23/21 05:56 PM.