Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by alicecooper
Dilly, on one hand, I somewhat agree. At least he wasn't a rat.

You know a person is pure human garbage when the best thing you can say about them is that they weren't a rat. At least that we know of.

He was a schizophrenic, psychopathic, murderer. He would cut your mother's throat in front of her children if it stood between him and anything. You respect that?

He went to prison for trying to extort a cafe owner. What if that cafe owner was you or someone you cared about? Oh right. He was just sticking up for the neighborhood and helping people out. What a great human being. He was scum of the earth.

Does anyone have any more on that particular extortion? I can't find much. Sounds like Gallo was desperate and tried to extort a straight citizen who went right to the cops.

I believe I've followed the Don's orders with this post.

I don't like him, but to say things like he would cut a mother's throat in front of her kids (Or not in front of them) is way over the top. Also if you have no info on him extorting a cafe owner and have to ask us, maybe it never happened? Where did you see that story, if you recall. Thank you,

He was a schizophrenic, psychopathic murderer. And in the mafia. If me or some straight citizen happens to be in the terrible place of being a witness to something, we're going to be executed 99 times out of 100, if not 100 out of 100.

Re the deli owner. That's the only story I saw on a quick google search for why he went to prison. I saw no other reasons or versions given.