Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by alicecooper
Dilly, on one hand, I somewhat agree. At least he wasn't a rat.

You know a person is pure human garbage when the best thing you can say about them is that they weren't a rat. At least that we know of.

He was a schizophrenic, psychopathic, murderer. He would cut your mother's throat in front of her children if it stood between him and anything. You respect that?

He went to prison for trying to extort a cafe owner. What if that cafe owner was you or someone you cared about? Oh right. He was just sticking up for the neighborhood and helping people out. What a great human being. He was scum of the earth.

Does anyone have any more on that particular extortion? I can't find much. Sounds like Gallo was desperate and tried to extort a straight citizen who went right to the cops.

I believe I've followed the Don's orders with this post.

He also save childrens from a house that was on fire.
Would know why is so respected?
Because had the ball to went against his greedy boss kidnapping the underboss and some capos and start not one but 2 wars for become the Colombo boss. Maybe was used by Gambino for close the mouth to Colombo but until the end he prefer to fight and die that surrender.
He was a John Gotti that failed.

That was his brothers and some guys from their crew. Joe was in prison for trying to extort the deli owner when the fire happened. Shit, they were probably the ones who lit it, as an insurance scam or who knows what. I'm just talking here, but would it shock you if that were the case?

I can understand gangsters respecting him. I'm a straight citizen, I have no respect for any mafioso. They'd kill me in a second. My life means nothing to them.