It appears this punk rat blocked me as I can't respond to a post some quack wrote. If someone can post, it'd be great. Jimmy's a King Rat that won't except comments. He praises Joe Gambino's pasta. I asked, did you praise him when he jumped bail leaving friends and families on the hook for millions? He's full of excuses. All his crimes; all his choices; and yes, most all lived legitimate lives in his neighborhood and didn't need to carry a gun. Someone post on my behalf MarcusJuniusBrutus: you're a punk and pull down your YouTube space.

The Irritated Irishman
8 hours ago
First off you’re embarrassing yourself cause there were 2 Tito’s back then and yes one arrested and was out in 3 of 4 days after can’t remember? End up being the wrong Tito. The other got arrested then later on got whacked. Here’s what I’m going to tell ya’s. I don’t know Jimmy from way back but got to know him over the last 2 years through others and stayed in touch through text/emails. Have nothing but complete admiration for him. Now I’ll say this. Frankie Burke was like my big brother. Him and my older cousin Joey were inseparable! Frankie sometimes would stay at my Mother’s house in Jersey and him, myself and some buddies of mine from South Boston and couple guys from Queens would run a muck up the boardwalks. I’ve have a couple people tell me that they were told that Frankie and my cousin worked for other individuals and here’s what I’m saying! Frankie worked for himself as an “Independent Franchiser” mostly he did work through Lucchese guys and some work with Gambino guys with my cousin. I had 16 videos removed last year due to complaints and there was serious trouble starting but I explained all this. Again I can’t vet for any jail stories cause I was never in jail with any of these guys. Frankie and my cousin’s crew averaged around 8 years older than me and yes I knew Alite who’s 4 years older than me and I yes I do remember Alite being called the “Sheriff” and yes I have seen him beat the living hell outta a guy next to Aldo’s Pizza. Jimmy’s jail stories I believe in heart of hearts to be true cause he’s mentioned Boston guys like Chucky Flynn who I’ve mentioned multiple times in videos and no one would know that name or stories about him unless they were around him. As for the NJ guy people are talking about I do know there was a guy either in Cherry Hill or Vorhees where John had a big ass house and there was an issue. There was an issue with a kid way back a couple years younger than me who claimed to be a relative of John Riggi and him and I went at it and he got locked in a closet in a music store. That issue was handled through a guy named Tommy Ricciardi who was living in TomsRiver,NJ at the time and was a Lucchese guy. The kid ended up being family friends of guys in the DeValcante crew. By this time Frankie had already passed in June of 87’. I don’t know if that’s the story some guys are getting confused? I think lines get blurred and stories get crossed. I don’t know Chris who was a guy that later on was in Jimmy’s crew but I do know guys who knew him and don’t think he was tough or smart just cocky and arrogant. Jimmy would be the guy to tell that best, I would say. Problem is people feed off of these guys and push these guys to keep telling stories and everyone needs to realize that there are stories that can be told, won’t be told, can not be told (Unless On Your Death Bed) and can be told with a twist to them, either to protect certain individuals involved, legality reasons
or to keep us in suspense. Then there’s the Bull Shit which again I honestly feel Jimmy has nothing to gain by feeding any of us.

I've been blocked and can't post.

Embarrassing myself? I think it quite the other way around. You're rambling on about your relationships that I did not ask nor care. You're citing names of people whose homes I've been in, are in family weddings and I'll cease there - no bloating like the above. If there are two Tito Oritz', just say so, correct and close it out. It's DeCavalcante, not DeValcante; they're sole influence was Local 394 and some gambling in and around Peterstown (do you even know what that is - the Burg?). Tommy is a rat. The brothers/cousins screwed him by not taking the state deal; he was then convicted and brought into a room where the Caveman was sitting with Agents. He then flipped and tried to get the Irishman to go along. I'll stop; the Irishman is around still and straight. Again, I'll stop here. By the way, Tommy lived in Lakewood, not Toms River - got it! For all the snitches and rats on all of YouTube: you signed up for the ride and jumped off when the storm came. No one told you to chose the friends you selected to trust; no one forced you to do the crime; ignorance in perceived loyalty contradicts the history of mankind. Don't forget the thousands sitting in prison for life that acknowledged doing the crime and are doing the time. It's them vs. the citizens: their crimes, their time. Got to Hard Intentions website: 38 years straight. You know somebody that knows somebody: wow!. Respectfully (nix that, Politely), don't respond any longer to my posts.

Last edited by DetroitPartnership; 06/11/21 10:26 AM.