Originally Posted by Homers77
Originally Posted by DillyDolly
You don't have to be a "hard-core gangster," just be solid and stand up for what you believe in. Unfortunately, you believe in being a rat 🐀

Just because we think you are a little dork who acts tough doesn’t mean we believe in being a rat.

We just think it is ridiculous to act like you would never rat when you have no idea what you would do. It’s easy to say you would never rat while your sitting in your moms basement on the internet. I hope it never happens to you but if you were in jail facing 100 years I guarantee the decision wouldn’t be as easy as you make it out of be.

The reality is 99% of mobsters are scumbag crooks who fuck people over for a living. I am not sure why it is such a surprise that a lot of them are willing to fuck over their friends instead of doing hard time.

And the ones that do stand tall are the ones that know their families will be okay if they thought their wife and kids were going to starve they would all rat too

. Great Post!!!