A made man in the AB is earning the Shamrock; like earning the Hand in the Eme.

Vincent Papa – Lucchese Family drug lieutenant and racketeer, Papa was killed inside the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, stabbed to death on July 26, 1977 by members of the Aryan Brotherhood on a contract taken out jointly by Lucchese leaders and Genovese Jewish narcotics enforcer Herbie Sperling, when they found out Papa had made a deal with then-U.S. Prosecutor and future New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, implicating dirty cops. The Lucchese’s representative in the notorious French Connection drug conspiracy, Papa subsequently masterminded the follow-up French Connection heroin heist from New York Police Property Clerk’s Office, where 400 kilos of uncut ‘H’ disappeared in 1971 from the office’s evidence room and reappeared on the streets. Sperling would eventually be charged for ordering Papa’s jailhouse slaying, but was acquitted at trial, where an AB named Theodore (Tattoo) Blasko was convicted for the actual murder. A fictionalized version of Papa was converted into actor Tony Lo Bianco’s “Sal Bocca” character in the smash-hit film made on the case (The French Connection), starring Gene Hackman that won the Oscar for best picture.