Originally Posted by DetroitPartnership
The AB murdered Pappa. As Jimmy Calandra noted in a response to me, the AB sat behind them - "strong". No way in hell you are a white man hiring blacks on the yard to kill another white. Wake up. Most all LCN's hits - Lucchese and Gambinos - executed by the AB, including Billy Bright. Not up for going back and forth on this as its hard to get this omnipotent view of the Italian mafia out of the minds of posters. Like every white man on the Lewisburg yard at that time, it's the AB; they controlled every racket and every gang that was doing anything.

I disagree, and go with all the reports and witness accounts from that time, also in the book on him his immediate family had looked into it and found no Aryan Brotherhood or White killers. The AB killing Papa all comes from the posters on internet forums over the years.