Some funny comments on this thread. I'm not judging anyone but I find it odd that the same people who detest "rats" and use the argument they took an oath and are no good scum for breaking it don't seem to care about these same guys who for example took an oath of marriage and break it but they're not scum. I could name other examples but it comes down to what you believe in and don't believe. My example is only to counter the argument "they took an oath" broke it and therefor are scum. All kinds of oaths are taken by all sorts of people and are broken. So the mere fact they broke an oath as a mafia member makes them hated. Not the fact they're murderers, drug dealers, thieves etc. Sounds like a bunch of apologists for the ones who don't violate this oath in order to hold them in some strange esteem. Odd to me that the "oath" is this new 11th commandment and just for the record, these criminals pretty much destroy all of the other 10, and no one cares, LOL. Again, not judging just an observation