Originally Posted by Blackmobs
In Montreal, before the italian mafia, you had the jewish mafia. They were controling everything in the organized crime.
I guess they all still in Montreal. The two girls that were arrested in Australia for drug trafficking were sent by members of the jewish mafia from montreal.

They’re ran by a guy named Harold from Toronto, he’s tied to the Montreal Stock Exchange and had a trading office on Bay Street in Toronto, which is the Financial District of Canada. He might be using his son Adam now, pretty sure he got married in Mexico.

He’s the type of Israeli that would plant the explosives in the towers on 911, he’s one of the main narcotics importer from the Eastern part of the world with Desjardins, as well working with the Zeta type cartels from Mexico and El Salvador. Pretty sure he was pulling the strings on the Wolfpack, specifically the Iranians with Alkhalil family (which are basically the Ayatollah & Hezbollah) very evil people!

Everyone in Canada knows who he is actually, I just found that out lol

Does anyone know about the Street Gang that Michael Cudmore was part of, because members of it have become Hells Angels in Hamilton, so obviously they are murders?
North End Crew? The name Jabirl Abdalla seems to fit the network these guys manipulate and use, so who knows lol
Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Is there Skinhead gangs like there used to be in Hamilton? It’s still pretty relevant in California, and is gaining traction all over Europe! From what I’ve been told it’s really just missing the right leadership to organize it right across the world.

Vic Controni mentored under a Jewish gangster prior to absorbing the rackets, same as Luciano with Rothstein. Starkman was said to be the brains behind Rocco Perri, before she had her brains blew out lol and Tony Papalia absorbs the rackets.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.