What do you see as the pros and cons?

Pros for me:

-The operatic, Shakespearian feel of the film. It's a tragedy story.


-Connie basically being Michael's Underboss and becoming Acting Boss while he's sick. It's the most unrealistic thing in the entire series.

-I find Andy Garcia's over the top acting worse than Sofia Coppola's. He comes off very cartoonish.

-Whereas the first two films felt like you were watching a film from the 1940s and 1950s (with GFII's 1950s segments even having that technicolor look of 50s films), and captured the atmosphere of the 1920s era in NYC well, GF III is set in 1979-1980 but feels/looks as if it was set in 1990. It doesn't look at all like the late 70s/early 80s. Next to the two films that came before, it looks cheap.

Last edited by Don_Alfonso; 05/31/21 12:00 AM.