I don't have any power over anyone else's feelings or over what anyone else thinks and generally I try to stay out of threads like these, but I do feel compelled to react here. I'm honestly not a fan the way some of these threads devolve into these "oh look at how terrible this ethnic group is" discussions. This is a forum on organized crime and it's true that a lot of organized crime is ethnicity- and/or culture-based. And yes, it's true that several ethnicities, nationalities and cultures have relatively become more notable in this part of society than others. But we must not forget that we are discussing the "criminal element" and not your average civilians. There's good, bad, very good and very terrible everywhere and in any group of people. Singling out an entire ethnic, national or cultural group for the antics of a few (how loud these few may be) is not the way to discuss things. For every person who happens to be black and who's a leech on society there are way more black people that aren't.
I know we live in politically charged times and the media is doing their utmost best to stir shit up, but I feel we must keep a level-headed overview.

There are posters on this forum that are African American or African Caribbean and as far as I know they have always been respectful and made genuine contributions to the discussions. I don't feel it's fair to them if threads are being used to bash the entire community they belong to.

Either way, these are my two cents. I'm not trying to influence anyone's personal way of thinking - it would be arrogant on my part to even think that I'd be able to change the way someone else thinks and feels - but I do feel that there has to be a level of respect and courtesy.