Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted by Lenox
I believe Gotti shot at blacks to protect their neighborhood. To be honest, if more people did that today we wouldnt have these inner city thugs coming into our suburbs and committing violent crime.

I mean there have been several cases of black people minding their own business being assaulted for venturing into predominantly Italian-American neighborhoods, like in Howard Beach. How is beating someone for dating a white girl protecting the neighborhood?

And wanting to keep other bad elements out of neighborhoods that have drug dealing mobsters living in them seems to be rooted more in racial prejudice or protecting turf than any kind of civic duty or altruism.

If you mean Bensonhusrt, that was not a White girl, she was Hispanic and had told the kids in front of her home that her Balck friends were on the way to beat them up. In Howard Beach, a White kid was dating a Black girl, and while him and his other White friend were walking her to the bus stop, a group of 4 Black men started and argument with them, leading to the fight later that resulted in a death. If you have an example of a Black man just walking in a White area and getting attacked for no reason, please share it.