Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted by Lenox
I believe Gotti shot at blacks to protect their neighborhood. To be honest, if more people did that today we wouldnt have these inner city thugs coming into our suburbs and committing violent crime.

I mean there have been several cases of black people minding their own business being assaulted for venturing into predominantly Italian-American neighborhoods, like in Howard Beach. How is beating someone for dating a white girl protecting the neighborhood?

And wanting to keep other bad elements out of neighborhoods that have drug dealing mobsters living in them seems to be rooted more in racial prejudice or protecting turf than any kind of civic duty or altruism.

Those are isolated incidents. Try walking through a black neighborhood after dark if you are white and tell me what happens.. A black guy can walk through any white neighborhood and the chance of him being attacked are extremely low. Its the exact opposite for a white guy walking through a black hood. Why ? Blacks are the most violent people in America ( fact ).. Blacks are even attacking Asians now. Look at the video footage, all black suspects.

Last edited by Lenox; 05/27/21 05:11 PM.