Originally Posted by Defendant Digest
Originally Posted by Lenox
I enjoy his podcast and he seems like a nice guy. That said, what was the true reason the Lucchese’s seemed to be trying to kill him? He was not an informer or cooperator and was never under indictment or even on the verge of getting indicted. He only went to the fbi becuase he did nothing wrong and thought he was going to be killed. What is the true reason?
Did his scumbag ex girlfriend make up lies about Pennisi and tell Big John ?

The woman in question was violently assaulted by John Pennisi. And while he has been telling people that Eugene Castelle "fabricated it" - here is the proof about it. This is the Appellate Court's decision on Castelle's appeal. The evidence of the assault wasn't allowed to be used at trial because it would have been highly prejudicial against the informant.

Full document:


I curse the day I mocked your appearance. Thank you Lisa. You are appreciated.