Originally Posted by DillyDolly
I know that this isn't popular opinion, because Kuklinski has so many fan boys and dick riders, but I seriously don't believe that he had absolutely anything to do with the Mafia. There are absolutely zero surveillance photos of him with any mobsters, for a guy who claims to have worked with 5 or 6 crime families you'd think there would at least be something. And if anyone believes that he had anything to do with the Galante and Castellano killings, they don't need to be following this subject. I don't believe Sheeran had anything to do with the Gallo hit, but at least we can actually say he was mob-connected. I think they're both frauds for the most part, Kuklinski definitely being the bigger one. Actually I think he's the most successful Mafia fraud of all, they turned all of his lies into a book and a movie. And here I am still waiting for my Roy DeMeo or Vic and Gaspipe TV series. I'm pissed 😤

I dont think there are many kuklinski dick riders on this forum. He's generally considered a liar and his book a joke.

Not to say he wasn't one seriously scary psychopathic serial killer...