I dont believe John, had any intention on killing Samny, he had him go on the lam when he first found out he was getting indicted.

He named him acting boss of Gotti got locked up and Sammy didnt.

I heard it from Sammy, it was just John being John...

However, John being John got Sammy pinched.

They had ZERO evidence against Sammy, except those tapes.

And LocAsio, they had Zero evidence against him except for Sammy.

I personally dont blame Sammy, for flipping John, got him indicted and John wanted him to take the fall....

Cmon... that's not LCN,
John broke a rule you cant make your U.B. take the blame on a case.

Most had to have looked at it that way???

Would Sammy had flipped anyway?

Who knows I dont think so.

He didnt flip right away...

He was in there for months b4 he flipped.

So if was really just looking to flip I think he would have just done it right away.