Originally Posted by DillyDolly
I'm not so sure about that one Bensonhurst. Anyone else wants to chime in?

Once a guy is made, you are always made, for life, until the day you take your last breath!

A guy who turns rat is just considered a 'renegade' and is essentially 'shelved' for lack of a better word. Years ago most were killed, but because of WITSEC, etc., they can't get to them today.

But your button stays with you all your life. NOBODY can take that from you. You just become 'persona non grata' in that world.

Thats why in 'theory' at least, it's a very solemn and serious decision you make to join. and not one that should bee taken lightly, although way too many guys do in-fact take it lightly and thats why there are so many rats today. After a few years they decide they don't want that button anymore. By then it's too late because you're in!

An 'associate' who has been offered a button but turned it down (respectfully I must add), is generally in much better standing than some guy who did accept formal membership and then fucked it up.