Throughout the history or Italian organized crime there have been repeated instances of 'civilians' getting clipped for one reason or another. But it was very rare, and actually in conflict with a formal dictate from the Commission. Yet, there were exceptions.

But in the last 3 or 4 decades its become more of a free for all. But thats true of CN overall so it stands to reason that it trickles down to all the rules also. (hurting innocents also)


One of the biggest problems is when the 'boss' and hierarchy of a family is disrupted through arrests, imprisonment, or violence. It leads to a disruption of affairs and is a problem that many crews can overcome. But once this disruption is related over and over the bench gets thin and there are less capable guys raising to man the helm.

All you need to do is see who is 'there' now, as opposed to say, 1950, 1960, or so. A completely different caliber of wiseguy. Guys who never would never have even been 'made' years back now find themselves in a 'bosses' spot.

"Associates" years ago were sharper, smarter, tougher, and better much earners than most soldiers and capos operating today. (FACT).

What a sorry state of affairs as far as the rank and file memberships go nowadays. Very sad and very bad for CN for sure

Last edited by NYMafia; 05/23/21 11:17 AM.