It's my opinion on the guy, plain and simple. And it's also my prerogative to speak anyway I like. And as I said previously, I did try befriending the guy and being nice to him but he's a nasty individual so thats all on him.

And what I say is the truth as well.

I NEVER poo-poo anybody's contribution to GBB or anywhere else for that matter. It's all good IMO. But truth be told, his charts do leave a lot to be desired. And if you have a solid knowledge of OC background for NYC then you should know that as well. If not, then thats another separate conversation.

By the way, Pogo as well as a few others on that other forum speak very badly about all of you posters here on GBB. He in particular 'disses' GBB every single chance he gets. So as far as 'crapping' as you say about others, he's one of the worst offenders.To hear him tell it, GBB is a bullshit forum and the posters are all fan boys, novices, and ignorant of any real OC stuff.

Maybe you should consider those things before you question my ethics?
Frankly, for my money the most knowledgeable researcher and poster over there is "B"
He is a gentleman, and I truly enjoyed the research he did related to early CN history. He also searches out little known aspects and subject matter that I find very interesting. There are a few others whose work I respect there. But Pogo isn't one of them.

Last edited by NYMafia; 05/22/21 09:45 AM.